About Us
We are a nonprofit organization focused on carrying out charitable works in the memory of Bob Galaska. During Bob’s life he gave unselfishly of his time, talents, and material possessions to make the world a better place. We seek to honor his memory by contributing to charities that assist children and their primary caregivers in times of domestic crisis, empowering them to improve their living situations. We further seek to honor our military heroes and their families by contributing to organizations that respect their tremendous sacrifice. As a result of your generous contributions, we are able to organize fundraisers and community-building events that further our organizations’ mission.
Our Families |
Our Military Heroes |
Domestic violence survivors can face ongoing and challenging effects after enduring physical, mental, and emotional abuse. It can take time for a survivor to adjust to living in a safe environment, especially if a perpetrator was severely violent and/or committed the actions over an extended period of time. Whether children witness or experience abuse, it can take a toll on their development. Domestic violence victims are not isolated to partners. Children are at an increased risk for emotional behavioral problems regardless if they were directly abused or not. The charities we support seek to end the cycle of domestic violence in this country by providing survivors with services that encourage healing and provide a healthy new beginning. |
The servicemen and women who protect our country deserve our admiration and respect for their courage and sacrifice. Fully appreciating their degree of commitment means not only understanding the risks and struggles of soldiers on the battlefield, but also the stress experienced by military families, who often endure tremendous hardship when their loved ones are deployed. Moreover, the stress does not necessarily end when troops return home. Reintegration into society can bring physical and mental health problems as well as difficulties with finances and employment, placing severe strain on families. Our service members risk their lives for our freedom and we firmly believe it is incredibly important to consider all of the costs involved with their service, and what we as a nation can do to demonstrate our tremendous gratitude to our troops and their families. |